✨ Welcome, Kia Ora!✨

I’m Karla, a UX Design Leader with 20+ years experience

I design with data and humans in mind, plus, I’m a team leader who builds safety, trust and keeps things chill, so my team can smash goals and level up. My curiosity thrives on the speed of change within tech, with constant learning about product, design, business, UX, and growth.

Hi there, It’s me, Karla – and it’s nice to see you here!

Pic of me on a boat in Sydney harbour
View my resume

Human-Centred Innovation at its Core
My education is in psychology, visual arts, and video which informs a deep understanding of user behaviour motivation, aesthetics and interactions. I have worked across agency, enterprise, marketing and technology. I originate from Wellington N.Z, and have evolved via London into a proud Inner Westie.

Thriving in a Disruptive Landscape
AI , web 3.0, IoT, conversation design and the no UI movement are all growth areas which excite and inspire me. With a growth mindset I’m constantly learning and exploring technology to ensure my designs are future-proof and soar above standard expectations.

Experience that Speaks for Itself
With over 20 years experience, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with leading organisations like Comm Bank, NIB, HCF, WooliesX, Telstra, World Nomads, Sydney Opera House, then while living in London Shelter, The Arts Council, KPMG and Deutsche Bank.

Let’s collaborate

Seamlessly integrating product, strategy and HCD to create impactful user experiences.

[email protected]
045 002 4623