Project Description
Company: InnoWell, PWC & Sydney University
Output: UX and research for InnoWell mobile app and website
My Role: UX Project Lead at InnoWell in a team of two
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InnoWell – UX Research, Mobile app and website
Problem statement
To increase user uptake, gain awareness and insight into engagement and identify pain points for the different users of the platform e.g clinician, individual and admin. We did this by running continuous user testing with users; a lived experience advisory board; running internal & external stakeholder workshops and service mapping to improve implementation of the platform. To propose and evangelise solutions which integrate into existing user flows across both rural and urban settings around Australia.
UX Process
- Our team’s initial undertaking was to get a MVP product in market, since then we are on a continuous refinement and iterative cycle of enhancements plus discovery of potential new features. There is a monthly product improvement cycle which gathers data from GA plus surveys on the customer base and lived experience advisory board which identify pain points and test out wireframes for new features.
- Synthesizing qualitative data from user testing; online surveys and research from previous trials, to conduct an internal co-design workshop with lo-fi wireframes. Here we aim to identify themes, refine insights, and craft ideas for potential solutions. We map the problem onto the user journeys and identify pain points and discuss possible solutions. As a group we consider what features or content will brings the most value, sketch out the information architecture, create key task flows to help visualize the process and feature interactions.
Product Development and User Testing
- The final stage of the design is to create a clickable prototype for review by stakeholders and the LEAF board this allows me to demonstrate the micro-interactions of the feature and get feedback from the client lastly I add visual design. Goals are set up in Google Analytics to track the success metrics, depending on the impact/size on the feature an AB segment is created in GA to test and refine the features usage in the real world.